Ignore Patterns


The Ignore Patterns section under E-mail Settings allows you to define specific keywords, phrases, or patterns to filter out irrelevant or unwanted emails, such as auto-replies or spam.

Key Features

  • The Ignore Patterns section allows you to block auto-replies, spam, and irrelevant emails.
  • Using Ignore Patterns, you can customize the ignore rules.
  • You can ensure only relevant emails create tickets by setting up email ignore patterns.

How to Add Email Ignore Pattern?

To add ignore patterns for an email, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Settings > E-mail Settings > Ignore Patterns.

Ignore patterns

The Ignore Patterns page is displayed.

Ignore patterns page

Click the New Email Ignore Pattern icon. The New Ignore Pattern page is displayed.

New Ignore patterns

Enter or select the required values in the fields. Please refer to the following table for field names and their descriptions.

Note: All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Field Description
Applies to Applies to the email components such as the following:Subject, Sender, Body
Pattern Specific pattern or keyword to identify and filter out unwanted emails
Postbox Specific mailbox or postbox to which the ignore pattern applies

Click Save. The new ignore pattern is added successfully.

Ignore patterns list

Note: The Edit and Delete icons appear when you hover over an ignore pattern. Click the corresponding icon in the desired pattern row to update or delete, and confirm your action.