Header & Footer


The Header and Footer section under Email Settings allows you to customize email headers and footers using the HTML and BOSSDesk placeholders for all system-generated emails.

Key Features

  • The Header & Footer section allows you to customize the email layout for system-generated emails, ensuring all outgoing emails maintain a uniform look and feel.
  • It supports HTML format, allowing you to style email headers and footers as needed.
  • You can insert dynamic placeholders for personalized email content within the email header and footer.

To configure the email header and footer, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Settings > E-mail Settings > Header & Footer.

Header & Footer

The E-mail Header & Footer page is displayed.

Header & Footer page

Note: All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

To use a placeholder, click the relevant spot in the subject or text field, then click a placeholder button to insert it.

Note: The placeholders will automatically be converted into the appropriate data.

To customize the email header containing metadata like the subject line, sender, recipient, date, etc., enter the text in the E-mail header textbox and use the font style, size, type, and alignment options.

To customize the email footer containing data such as the signature, contact information, legal disclaimers, or company information, enter the text in the E-mail footer textbox and use the font style, size, type, and alignment options.

Click Save.

The header & footer for the email is configured.

Insert placeholders

The Insert Placeholders feature allows you to add dynamic or personalized content to the body or subject of your email.

Header & Footer placeholders

Below is a table that lists the available options along with their descriptions:

Field Description
BOSSDesk Logo of BOSSDesk application
Company Name, Logo, and Web Address of your organization
Email Recipient Username, Full name, First name, Last name, E-mail, Other e-mail, Phone, Mobile, Designation, Location, Groups of the recipient