Configure Roles


The Roles section under the User Management setting allows you to define different levels of access and permissions assigned to users within the system, ensuring proper management and segregation of duties.

Key Features

  • The Roles section allows you to restrict access based on agent roles.
  • This section allows you to include pre-configured roles such as Admin, Manager, Owner, etc., while allowing you to create custom roles based on your organization's needs.
  • It allows you to control access to tickets, knowledge base, assets, and administrative functions.
  • Using the Roles section, you can ensure users have appropriate access to maintain system security and efficiency.

How to Add a Role?

You can add a role to define specific access and permissions, enabling an agent to fulfill the responsibilities associated with that role.

Navigate to Settings > User Management > Roles.


The Roles page is displayed.

Roles new

Click the New Role icon. The New Role page is displayed.

New roles page

Enter the name for the role in the Name field. Then, check the box associated with the required permissions for the role.

Note: If an agent has multiple roles, the role with the highest level of permissions will be applied.

Click Save. The role is added successfully.

Roles list

Note: The Edit and Delete icons appear when you hover over a role. Click the corresponding icon in the desired role row to update or delete, and confirm your action.

How to Edit Multiple Roles?

You can edit multiple roles in bulk to efficiently update access and permissions across various agents.

On the Roles page, click the Edit icon.

Bulk edit

The Edit All Roles page is displayed.

Edit page

Check the box for a specific action or permission for each role available in the list, such as Helpdesk Agent, IT Dept, Manager, Super Admin, etc.


  • The actions or permissions for each role across various system sections, such as Tickets, IT Assets, Software, Vendors, Reports, and more vary based on their requirements.
  • Commonly available permission fields for the various sections include
  • List - Permission to view the list of records
  • Create - Permission to add a new record
  • Update - Permission to edit the record
  • Delete - Permission to remove a record
  • View - Permission to view a specific record

Save all

Click Save all. The multiple roles are updated successfully.