Business Hours


The Business Hours section allows you to define and manage the operational hours for your organization’s support team, based on their locations or services, ensuring ticket resolution times align with actual working hours rather than a 24/7 clock.

Key Features

  • The Business Hours feature allows you to define daily operational hours and customize specific days with different time ranges, such as shorter hours on weekends or holidays.
  • Using the Business Hours feature, you can specify holidays when the service desk is not operational to exclude them from SLA calculations.
  • This feature allows you to set business hours to the organization's time zone for accurate global response calculations.
  • It supports automating incident workflows based on business hours, like escalating tickets outside regular hours.

How to Add Business Hours?

To add the operational business hours, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Settings > Incident Management > Business Hours.

Business hours

The Business Hours page is displayed.

Business hours page

Click the New Business Hours icon. The New Business Hours page is displayed.

New business hours page

Enter or select the required values in the fields. Please refer to the following table for the field names and their descriptions.

Note: All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Field Description
Name Name assigned to the business hour for identification
Description Overview of the business hour
Time zone Regional time setting used for scheduling the operational hours
Business hours Defined working hours during which the support team is available. The options available are: 24/7 - The support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Select working days/hours - The support team is available only on the specified days of the week during the defined working hours

Click Save. The business hours are added successfully.

Business hours list

Note: The Edit and Delete icons appear when you hover over a business hours. Click the corresponding icon in the desired business hours row to update, or delete and confirm your action.